Obermark (S.à r.l.)
6, rue Gabriel Lippmann
5365 Munsbach
T +352 20 600 20 660
F +352 20 600 20 670
E info@obermark.com
Please contact
Hagen Schulte
Peter Sewing
Obermark Value (S.à r.l.)
6, rue Gabriel Lippmann
5365 Munsbach
T +352 20 600 20 680
F +352 20 600 20 650
E info@obermark.com
Please contact
Hagen Schulte
Peter Sewing
Obermark AG
Lüssiweg 43
6300 Zug
T +41 41 511 91 00
F +41 41 511 91 10
E info@obermark.com
Please contact
Hagen Schulte
Obermark GmbH
Burgweg 10
61476 Kronberg
T +49 6173 78 298 30
F +49 6173 78 298 40
E info@obermark.com
Please contact
Peter Sewing
Every company and each employee are unique and have a distinct history. The following texts offer an impression of the motivation, perspective and convictions of the people behind the stories.